Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 10, 2011

A Gaming Freelancer's Thoughts

So, I've been a gamer for...what has it been now, nineteen years? Yeah. Nineteen years. Playing video games has always been number one or two on my hobbies list. Always competing with reading books.

Books, and now subsequently writing, have been a huge part of my life. I love words and I love imagining new places. Everything is left up to my mind. I don't think anybody can picture a world from a book in their mind quite the same as others. As such, each experience is unique and special.

While games deliver that world. They immerse you in it from the start and let you see everything in it's visual splendor. This is why I'm loving games more and more with each generation. I'm not one of those people who puts graphics above all else (it's fine if you do)...that's not my priority at all. I mean, my favorite games are the Dynasty Warriors. Which happens to be based off of my favorite book, Three Kingdoms, but I digress.

What was I talking about? Right, graphics.
Graphics these days are amazing because I'm able to be immersed into the world even more. I mean, did you SEE Enslaved (based off of my second favorite book, Journey to the West)? I didn't enjoy the game play...but OH MY WORD, THE SURROUNDINGS WERE ALMOST ORGASMIC.

Anyways. I've always been a pretty big failure due to my procrastination and desire to play games or read rather than take care of responsibilities. As such, I haven't entered college yet. I haven't known what I've wanted to do.

Recently, though, I decided. I want to do something in writing. Writing that involves the gaming industry. Why not take my two favorite hobbies and smash them together? I've written about games before, but never for money.

Now, thanks to my fiancé and doing some freelance work on the side, I feel encouraged to get into college and get myself a degree in creative writing or some crap.

I've finally decided what I want to do and I'm extremely happy knowing it's something I love. It's something I won't dread going to do.

And an explanation on the picture...I feel like I took the left path, then decided to cheat and now I'm starting to head towards the other one.

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